Now’s your chance to see some of the area’s most beautiful homes, all dressed up for the holiday season.
The 15th annual Christmas Tour of Homes, sponsored by Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake, Inc., will be held Fri., Dec. 4 and Sat., Dec. 5. Homes will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
All proceeds from the event benefit Stone and Taney county charities. Last year’s event raised over $19,000.
Tickets can be purchased on tour dates at featured homes or the Kimberling Area Library for $20. Discounted advance tickets are also available for $15 at Harter House in Kimberling City, Metropolitan Bank in Branson West, or Price Chopper in Branson.
A hospitality room, located at the Kimberling Area Library will be open on tour days from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm and features complimentary cookies and coffee, local crafts, lunch available for purchase, and a variety of baked goods for sale.
Visit the Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock website or Facebook page for additional details.
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